Friday, July 5, 2013

Omega 3 for Memory Loss
Omega 3 for Memory Loss
People talk a lot about aging, but the real reason old peoplehave a greater diseasepossibility is not only because of their age.
It’s the oxidative stress that comes along with it.
That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re getting good levels of antioxidant nutrients as one progresses into old age. But don’t stop there — because while the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil normally aren’t regarded to beantioxidants, they can also help prevent or even reverse the destruction done by oxidative stress.
And that’s especially true in the brain.
In one new study, old folks with the most ingestion of DHA and EPA had the smallest levels of lipid hydroperoxide, or LPO.
DHA and EPA are, of course, two of the most essential omega-3s — and the two main fatty acids you’ll unearth in a quality fish oil supplement.
LPO is less familiar to most people, but it’s a frequentmarker of oxidative stress in the brain. You want as little as possible,and the trial clearly demonstrates why this is so: It increases the risk of cognitive impairment — specifically, problems with global cognitive function, short-term memory, learning, and attention.
High levels of omega-3s, on the other hand, can do just the opposite, protecting overall cognitive function as well as short-term memory, attention spans, and recall, according to the study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.
The researchers believe DHA in particular helps the body to produce the enzymes needed to fight oxidative harm in the brain.
And that may be part of it.
But we also know from other studies that omega 3 fish oils safe guardthe brain in a number of other ways, both directly and indirectly. Indirectly, they help assistwith heart health and overall circulation — and good circulation is critical to brain function.
More directly, the brain itself thrives on omega-3 fatty acids — which is why fish oil has been shown to help protect and improve memory, mood, and more even in healthy people.
Seniors have been known to fight off depression with Omega 3
Be sure to look for a quality supplement that has been purified to remove contaminants such as mercury.

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